Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Notable Observances

New Zealanders refer to themselves as Kiwi's. This is not derogatory. On the first day there, when we were all gathered in the dining hall, the manager of the Weir House, talks about how Kiwi's do this and Kiwi's do that. So not only do they call themselves Kiwi's, but they are not offended when others call them Kiwi's either. For instance, at STA Travel they have a brochure called the guide to the land of Kiwi's. As I understand it, both the kiwi fruit and the kiwi bird are where this slang is derived from. Kiwi birds are not easily spotted, but are very unique and the kiwi fruit is a major fruit grown here.

New Zealanders apparently don't like the American equivalent of pennies. A coin representing one cent is not available in the local currency. The lowest denomination is the same as the nickel. To get around cases where the total cost is some amount that is not divisible by five cents they round. As seen here, the cost was rounded down by a cent. I like this idea a lot and wish the US would implement a similar system. However, their currency system also uses one and two dollar coins. This is a facet of the currency I don't like. On my desk, I have $20 in change with only a dozen or so coins. It's just too easy to drop a $2 coin. Since I haven't noted it yet, the conversion rate is about 70% (ranges from 65% - 75%). $50 US yielded me $60 NZ at the LAX currency exchange. At a currency exchange in Wellington, $50 US yielded me $70 NZ. So roughly, $100 NZ is only $70 US.

The toilets at the Weir House, as well as several other restrooms I have checked out, don't flush in a circular fashion. The water just shoots straight in, so I haven't been able to observe toilets 'flush backwards' yet. I plan to keep looking though.

There is no ozone layer above New Zealand so you have to wear sunscreen all the time and everytime you go outside. The stores don't even sell a sunscreen with less than SPF 30. I haven't tempted fate yet to see if I can survive without suntan lotion, but I am guessing probably not. I haven't gotten burned yet, but I am getting quite tired of putting on suntan lotion all over my body every day. Plus, it gives you this ick sort of feeling like you just got back from the beach and need to shower, only you aren't going to the beach, you are just going on a ten minute walk to class. Here is a shot of my ugly foot with a tan. :)


At 12:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'll wish for not having pennies in your pocket until you own a business making thousands of transactions a day for, oh, say $5.03, and you lose two cents per transaction,times 1000 a day = $20 a day or about $8,000 a year. I suppose you could adjust your price, though, so that you are always charging $5.02, and therefore MAKING $8000 more a year.

There's a reason we have precision, isn't there?

I am reminded of Office Space...

At 12:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't toy with fate. I would know, I lived there for four years. Be sure to eat lamb while you're there. It's awesome. Enjoy the southern hemisphere. --Shteve

At 8:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adam -
I have enjoyed hearing about your "journey" thus far. It is rather interesting that I kept a similar type log many years ago (almost 35) when I lived in London for a year while studying. The major difference was that there was no internet then ... and my log (blog!) was saved in the form of letters to my parents almost every day! Keep Writing and We Will Keep Reading....DAD

At 8:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And God said, let there be Adam, and there was Adam.................many many miles away, where we can't call him grandpa anymore. And what's this with the lack of the updating of the blog? We want to know what's going on. But so far, the land of the Kiwi's seems to treat you well, and that foot...........women would be all over you if they saw that.

Your lord and master (and owner of your mini fridge) Foamy


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